History of Veerle's Handling
I am Veerle and i am 15 years old. i started as a regular handler in the breed judging when i got the call at a show that juniorhandling was starting, i was interested in this and signed up, i passed the selection and got 4th place, totally suprised that i got this while there were so many good handlers. I decided to do this more often and came in contact with a juniorhandling coach. The first steps went well and eventually after 4months i had qualified for the Dutch junior handling championships and was also selected among the best 4 handlers in the Netherlands. Now a few years futher i have been trained as a professional handler for all breeds and i have a coach from the UK who will train me even more for the best results.
All breed handling
I have shown many breeds but here is a small summary of a few breeds.
FCI 1= Briard, Border Collie, Swiss white shepherd etc.
FCI 2= Great Dane, Mini Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Newfoundlander etc.
FCI 3= West Highland White Terrier.
FCI 4= Dachshund wired, Mini Dachshund wired, Kaninschen Dachshund wired etc.
FCI 5= Alaskan Malamute, Chow Chow, Samojeed etc.
FCI 7= English Setter, Spinone Italiano, Weimaraner etc.
FCI 8= American Cocker Spaniel, Barbet, English Springer Spaniel etc.
FCI 9= Toy Poodle, Chinese Crested, Lhasa Apso etc.
FCI 10= Deerhound, Whippet.
Handling Request
If you have a Handling Request contact me.
Facebook = Veerle Donga
Instagram = veerledonga_
Phone = +31 6 30623703